Sunday, May 29, 2022

Not Too Many of These

 "A must see oddity--" Rotten Tomatoes

I subscribed to Topic in May solely to see The Returned, and as to the series, I cannot add anything that spry and paid reviewers haven't written about it. I saw a similar variation on the theme on HBO called The Departed, which was a majestic reconciliation in the way the US handles evangelical oscillations, but The Returned is unabashedly a Catholic French liberal horror story which has no apologies to make. Writing about it escaped me  in the immediacy of viewing due to daily nigger care, and my foray into Substack, which has been slow, but all I am here to do this morning, even if I am back logging into my archive, is to endorse Topic itself. 40% of the series are innovative concept, worth the six dollars a month.. I may not be able to afford it daily for too much longer, but if I don't simply give up and die of Pennsylvania's nursing home death march, I will certainly return to this channel in an economy marginally easier. Since I am on this do as I say kick, don't ever move to this state. I know Texas has its own sagebrush poverty and Texas Ranger powder residues, and Miami has areas of Liberty City that make Philadelphia seem like Kenya, but don't come here, to this state of my birth. It functions like static electricity.