Sunday, June 17, 2012

Key Largo Aside

The thought occurred to me and I thought I'd note it anyway as I am winding down toward my presleep reading, that John Huston is my favorite film director, and that because he is a pessimist, if not downright misanthropic as I am myself. Chinatown is a very dark film not just because the incest leads to inbreeding, but because it signifies a basic truth about those with real power. They win, and this is true whether or not you see a Gandhi or a Cassie James rise to the surface. I know Polanski directed, but Huston had some influence on the price we pay that Polanski exposes, and the film is rare for me in that I like Faye Dunaway and Nicholson both, which is not always the case in other venues, and by the way, for those of you familiar with my anti-CIL stance, I mean what I say about spending the rest of my life to fight to dismantle them, and if necessary, I will use Adapt's tactics, and break the law to get this ball rolling. I am not their only critic, but I am a zealot in my belief that they represent the worst aspects of socialist corruption, and I want this removed as a stain on the American soul. I hope the right will join with me on this.

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