Friday, October 11, 2013

Keratin Perturberance

This then is how I drowned Bianca in effigy, this is my witchcraft. She herself saw the figure standing in the liquid and she laughed at it; such things amused her; like a child. I remember that she brought her face up close to the glass to look at the face of the model and she laughed.-- Barry Unsworth, Stone Virgin, p 314

Salman Rushdie's post-fatwa decline has been a topic of debate in recent years; perhaps decline is the wrong word and it is closer to diminished capacity, but what do we expect an author to do after such a notorious condemnation? It elevates the subversive nature of language far too much, whatever we feel about the polemical nature of persuasion. I waited some years after the book burning and other forms of Islamic hysteria to blow over before I read The Satanic Verses. The sacrilege merited a shrug, damaging Rushdie's correspondences or not, depending on the point of view. That one of his goals might have been to go into film production crossed my mind, meta-fictional in scope, but Rushdie's aim often eludes me.

Islam and Judaism are the same faith. Mohammad simply opened an ethnically closed system, and made himself equivalent to Mosaic law. Christianity is slightly different in cultural terms and most Protestant denominations are corrupted by material greed, but the art of equivocation is definitely an Eastern form of moral corruption, no doubt why it gave Elizabeth and Jacobean tragedy both majesty and sensationalism.

If this new rupture between East and West started somewhere it was with Khomeini and the 79 hostage crisis, the remnants of Persian identity. Consider this a lead in to a provocation probably unjust; I will key you in on a few salient points:

The coordinators at Liberty repress their ridicule. No one cares how Linda used her authority to hurt me and make me a scapegoat, which is still a powerful Hebraic conduit through to our contemporary gnosticism of self-love through the divine. I do not doubt it. People have died with my tears haplessly consoled or advised with impatience. No one gives a shit that her gloating prior to her divorce caught me off guard and has become my own Jacobean sensation. You included. This doesn't mean I can still utilize Liberty. I can't, and the reasons involve more than my relation to her and my mourning over the loss of colleague congeniality. Yet there is no other disability support system I can use. Liberty is it, and it is a non-option.

It isn't that I'm not okay. I am fine and believe in myself enough that I'll get back to some kind of work, but if I hit a crisis before I can relocate, these Stalinist assholes are it. Case closed, and it is not conducive to my continued well being. The last time I was there was 07, only because I wanted a lawyer. My former co-worker wouldn't speak to me. Do you follow?

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