Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Human Singularity

Other futurists have long argued that we are heading instead towards a global economic and ecological collapse.-- Eden, Steinhart, Pearce, Moor, Singularity Hypotheses, p2

Bill Bixby was no doubt resented by countless fathers during the run of this quiet and unassuming series. I certainly saw padre in the projection of the actor as the suave cosmopolitan patriarch who had to negotiate the cracked terrain of the me decade. I had no idea he succumbed to prostate cancer after doing the earlier switcheroo version with Ferrigno, and the only clever thing about the 03 Hulk was giving the body builder the cameo in the opening. The film wants to be liked, wants relevance, and in the ghost of Ebert's tumorous glands, bollo uncle Roger focuses on Elliot's graphic performance as a worthy conformity to the genre. Yes. Connelly and Elliot redo Beautiful Mind with more exaggerated gravity, but Hulk is not terribly interesting. Schwarzenegger trying to psyche Ferrigno out in their early competitive days is more so, in terms of the psychology of bullshit and bravado. Should I bother comparing 08 and 12?

Wait for pins to drop? The 12 variation looks more like Lou. To summarize: the 03 version is the weakest of the resurgent Marvel films. Enjoyed less with each viewing. The continuity rolls like a rushed three penny opera, and the best I can say about Nolte is he seems to be channeling Katherine Hepburn; it does not absorb into the character.

I have to stroll out in a bit. The female throws house cat tantrums when her dry food vanishes, so hopefully CVS is open and I will be able to get into my branch. This year I am not looking to gather with exuberant students of my defeated hopes. I can only speculate that some of you aren't that stupid and do not like the implications of my festering temper, but people like Fern Markowitz, within her secular indulgences, and narrow minded bitch slappers like Debra Horne, manufacture the kind of aggression driving against liberal eradication. Debra has threatened me, more than once, and I do not like shallow paint by numbers organizers with that kind of power. 28 years is enough, even if compassionate capitalism might turn out to leave me worse for wear.

What do we do with poignancy for fallen father figure archetypes? 

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