Saturday, February 15, 2014

Soon Yi and silent acquiesce

When you started aborting, we were still watering-- Vincent Peloso

I am critical of the nanny state over which Nutter resides and Arenda adjudicates with an overzealous tilt. I have trolled in reactive fashion over my dimly varnished view of African American culture, thus diminish any creditably I might have once wielded with what I perceive to be legitimate criticism. I realize this culture isn't monolithic, and can strive to command respect. Despite the fact that I am uncouth, and more than not dismissed by serious scholars who put in a great deal of leg work, I do respect McWhorter, but his iconoclastic streak sometimes confuses me about his reactive tendencies.

The governance of the city of Philadelphia is rather sterile; this is not solely attributable to Nutter's administration. PA is one of the original 13 states, and Quaker imprinting hasn't always been conducive to the dynamics of entrepreneurial energy. Liberty's static existence is a microscopic representation of Philly's sterility, with little pockets that thrive, like center city finance. Center city urban design; it isn't enough against the stoic fatalism of black residential areas-- or even the Rosenbach's tacit acceptance of neighborhood fruitcakes-- a rare criticism of the the museum's insular yet egalitarian embrace of the residential disparities within its ranks.

I migrated back to Philadelphia shortly after the Move bombing, in my incalculable timing, and I'll say this for Wilson Goode: He started a tradition of ineptitude getting our city serious media coverage. Not that this is a form of urban exceptionalism: NYC is as sordid as Woody Allen's arousal triggers, and the the adopted daughter he grafted from Mia has the poise reminiscent of a  Khmer Rouge survivor-- which takes us into the caverns of Shoah beneath the sting of Woody's satire-- his early work even had a subversive anti-Semitic charge thrown at it, one I am not studied enough to analyse fairly; Detroit is a smaller inner city version of Brotherly Love. Even San Francisco has the Tenderloin-- but what it illustrates is that the left is not free of the socialist tokenism Ralph Ellison so brilliantly crucified now nearly 3 quarters of a century behind in Invisible Man.

The Obama Administration friend zone designation is more of the same. I have to try and go out now in this weather for dry cat food. A stressor to finish me off, perhaps.

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