Monday, August 11, 2014

Shock, but not awe

This was not a headline I expected to see, and there is no way in hell I'm covering it, not even as an aggregate piece, but I knew when Williams played Mork that his hypermania would crash. I am sad, but just as with David Foster Wallace, pissed off. Ambulatory people are so fucking selfish it is incredible, but wheelchair users have to be heroic. Damn it all to fucking hell. I followed his career since I was a kid.

2:36 AM: I am still upset, too little sleep to work due to pet children and the riot act. I had a certain affection for Robin's persona, and despite the fact that this was an expected trajectory, I am agitated none the less, and this is the drawback of failed intimacy: I don't have a man to comfort me while I thresh out my grief.

I believe in the right to die, but Williams still could have put his stature to good use; more later when I'm less raw.

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