Monday, March 16, 2015

Stifle of Schuykill Air

I myself have nothing to add to the death meme other than a lust for wanton destruction, which corporate bodies wouldn't let me get away with, even if I could circumvent my shrinking flesh, leaving the window open all day, preferring the hard March air to the radiator while I bury myself every five minutes, but know I cannot go on with my landlord much longer, despite my asset spend down and my helplessness, despite everything I know about homelessness, and menacingly ill wheelchair users who appear on the curbs of Market or Chestnut Streets and vanish. Save for my erudition, I am one of them now, consumed by this country's mercilessness for strays. I'm finished, and yet Nathan Gibbs, nice enough looking fellow, was kind enough to let me join his journo team, and I begin to have a glimmer of understanding about Ev Williams model for Medium. Medium is Space, and within Space, there are Publications which are an interlocked multi-verse. I like the concept better than much of the material, but now, how to I earn some money?

We'll see. I have to laugh at twitter, how my followers ratchet up one minute and then nose dive, my airing out of so many demons, intensity, this bothers the shallow pastry mindset, does it, or is it lack of interest? I really can't keep up, but if I have a few constant regulars, I know I need to keep searching and dialing the phone, but I will need a place to roll into by June. I can't last here another year. I can give you some general parameters: I want nothing to do with California, and NYC is Philly, simply worse. I am attracted to New England, Texas, Oregon, Seattle, maybe South or North Carolina near my brother, despite the fact he finds me too hot to handle; he is still my kid brother, and I remain fond of him, caught as he is between Stephanie, myself, and sister animosity. I am going back on Craigslist in short order to appeal for room mates for a broken spaz in her early fifties. Perhaps I'll meet an addict in a halfway house, fall in love, wait for that short window to open when I remember I still believe intercourse has possibilities. I cannot clench with my legs. That was always a tactical issue. Perhaps a bottle of Aleve would assist. I fight not to take too many.

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