Monday, June 29, 2015

Repetitions of Mhz

I have seen the trailer for The Half Brother so often that despite the swollen eye of the actor who plays Fred Neilson, despite the father's dapper yellow clothing and his Buick, I haven't the least interest in seeing the saga unfold.

I have a brief note to add about Linked In: Global Media has included me as a participant on health care and I most appreciate it but I'm also not posting anything until I am okay with the site's "lack of relevance" flag. I tend to feel hurt when I feel I'm behaving and then get muzzled, and know other Linked In users remain unsure of their posts, and Bravo, corporate Big Brother has a silent network of people afraid to even be who they are, and I am not talking about deliberate attempts to troll either, and so the spastic dowager will remain mute until I get a sense of the group's concerns.

Look people, I know how the game is played. I feel marginalized and in need of attention and support, (if not supported employment, which is beneath the cost of my education) and most pitches get ignored and I don't pitch often enough and OZY put me in its twitter dragnet last year as a marketing ploy and sent me a link. I clicked the link and saw a dark page and asked myself what I was supposed to do-- and what I want from these heirs to The Grapes of Wrath is a fucking answer. Why put me on a list without paying attention to my incendiary temptations? After putting me on this list why ignore me now? The internet makes it too easy to just click it away. The difference is I make an effort first. I've forgiven and talked with marginalized populations with far worse hyperbole than my own, and essentially, team OZY is a liar. Suburban morale might chastise me with "now spastic you cannot bully".

Watch me. Disabled individuals still capable of gainful activity get rubbed the wrong way being used for a brand that wants everyone to be happy with their own sickle and hammer dignity rationed out in careful parcels while the hierarchies are staring us right in the face, unacknowledged. The game theory I'm playing here isn't all feigned, in other words.

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