Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sidebar to Wisdom's Impatience

When I am in the mood to give concessions to Vladimir Putin's true socialist allies, like Paul here, they might want to prick up their ears. The general consensus of the establishment, of which Krauthammer is a stalwart member, is the Obama presidency is a failure, and Trump is an omen, a burning wet dream infected by syphilis. This may be correct, but correct in varying degrees. Obama too was Poetus in late 2007, and we watched his president elect briefings biting our nails. What was going on in Philadelphia's poverty housing had not yet threatened my life. It is hard to sequence the Riverside Presbyterian renovations with the end of Bush and the dawn of Barack, but I believe those briefings took place before I had to spend over a month on the second floor and afterwards went through living hell to get this chair which I now sit in, battered, with a short in its wiring, and I still don't have the process in place for a new chair why because I had to switch from one set of indifferent residents to another set which I loathe more. See me working on this vital problem? I should just be able to bypass doctors and go to a vendor and fast track the issue, but oh no. Medicare's hoops have driven me berserk, and Krauthammer, being a true paraplegic, one with a medical license, probably gets his feces prepared by a pastry chef. I grant that Obama's Poetus briefings were processional, nothing like what Donald is doing, but Obama too eclipsed his predecessor, one whom we still dislike, and the financial crash wasn't his fault; perhaps it consumed most of his political capital, with Geithner at the helm. While I cannot argue over TARP, not having the expertise, I think credit goes where it is due, and Geithner, modest federal civil servant, probably saved the country from something worse. Perhaps my libertarian sympathizers, online or otherwise, might contest this notion, but Geithner wasn't a liberal. No one in the business of regulating capital is liberal. That said, I do not blame Obama for the subprime mortgage default credit swap meltdown which even today, has me living like a shelter resident, in the exact same building where I was, in 1995, part of the professional middle class, never never happy with where I resided, its environment, my neighbors, or the managerial class using me as an unpaid in kind support case manager, and some of you marvel at my present homicidal hostility. I have a visceral disdain for Paul Krugman. That may be a developmental flaw. He and I may have exchanged a few words, but we're not peers. I have little less affinity with Krauthammer. He is still pontificating as if his was a vital psychiatric practice. He believes in the military's ability to kill our way into nation building, even if this is an over-simplification of his hawkish policy stands, but his column yesterday jibes with my utter political weariness. My zenith under George W Bush and Bill Clinton's public erections were short lived, and my earnings writing about disability dribbled to piss stains under the out going Kenyan Messiah. Barack is an astute visionary, but not an equally astute executive. By the time Carson changes HUD's policy, probably giving Presbyterian Homes virtual police power, I may have already wound up a hate crime, if I can even manage to roll out when Riverside moves to evict over non-compliance. And yes, I voted for it. Let's see what happens.

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