Monday, April 3, 2017

I'd be reduced to silence if this wasn't so ironic

I realize not everyone who reads me can put all my various threads through a needle, but a young African of Kenyan extraction invited me to write for African Zeal. He offers not much better than Niume or the deceased Examiner before it, 2000 posts for ten dollars. Uh huh. I have no reason to disbelieve or believe him about the money, but a scant few of my long term followers know I wear my racism; indeed, I've given the four minorities in my first floor office good reason for dissolution of my 32 year lease under their management. The receptionist, Lanisha, is terrified of me; charming, (why not?) Kwale reads my work and solicits me.

I am smacking my lips with more than slight incredulity, but for the moment, I'll leave the torpedoes in the chamber. You have a good morning too. I am not in the mood to drop my rental subsidy in the slot until this evening; in 202 they drag it out five business days, not counting the weekend. Wonders never cease. I have some ideas; we'll see what he does with em, curdling.

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