Thursday, June 8, 2017

Italy isn't a nation state either

De Sousa is speaking out about her decade-long ordeal, which started when an Italian court convicted her in absentia -- along with two-dozen others -- connected to the 2003 U.S. government-sanctioned kidnapping of cleric Abu Omar.

I am still somewhat indignant toward Karina over my scrapbook, and this is why writers need to murder custodial employees every so often. I know, people, thank you. No one clips, and I don't even purchase tabloid copies any more, but I had tons and stacks of things I cannot replicate online. It was my tool kit. The woman is lucky I deflected and took it out on the poor house nigger doing her job. [Why are you blaming me?  I have ten years of Trudy's chirpy intonations running the gamut, and why am I blaming her?] Because. She intimidates me with such relentless veracity I am always having to deal with lies and losses and personal effects. But my hard copy processes did not always work. My fatal attraction toward fascist grandiosity started early, if my obsessive curation of all things Italy evinces such. It startled me, many years ago, when the caramel taffeta bitch baby thorn in my side was undoubtedly   learning her evasive survival maneuvers, that in writing a poem about Medici assassins, I had a nostalgia for the urbane brutality leading up to Mussolini. I still have illegible carbon copy of mio originale, and finally pulled through a revision, nearly complete, less exhortation toward the overzealous Il Duce. I'd take Benito back in a heartbeat however, which leads to the diffident castigation of Black Adder, from Liberty On The Rocks: "You want to blow up buildings and shoot [humans according to ethnicity]. Why are you even here?
Excellent question, but right wingers like freedom also. They accrue it in the will to power. You can view this for yourself in the fun frolic Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, and Ernest Borgnine have in The Vikings. Maiming was a way to live, not an identity. But to correct the software developer who doesn't want to get on my bad side, I do not lactate over arbitrary genocide, just my enemies. I am sure, by now, you all have my list penciled in, waiting for the next catapult. I'd go on, but intend to dither some usage on a submission.

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