Thursday, December 14, 2017

Viva Zurita!

I am not back as a working writer yet, let alone journalist. I am in somewhat of a holding pattern: Am I dying or not? If Mike and I don't slay each other in mutual hostility toward rationed health services, can I restore my former lateral transfer functions or not? I can still take a piss in the ladies urinal designed for a vulva, but I am inhibited about fecal defecation in disposal briefs, and this inhibition is wreaking digestive havoc. Bed pans are just as problematic for these poor infantile immigrants who feed off me and tend to me badly. Libertarians can take a moral lesson from the fact that in my own squalor I was still thriving. Nine weeks into a power chair breakdown, streamtolled by domestication under Presbyterian hypocrisy, I have chest pains, continual bronchial congestion in my lung, all this from forced dependency, overlong stays in a generic, and bad, hospital bed, and black women who disposed of my personal effects yet once again. How often do you think objects that form part of your identity can be discarded, as if you were so much less than human, by one fucking rental agent, and none other, from the age of 23? Any circumstance can trigger dying unexpectedly. A number of us may have been struck by the story of the Texan contractor so rapidly stricken simply through the process of being a recovery optimist. The city of Philadelphia took 31 years to waste me into a despairing old woman, who, for all her brain power, allowed contradictory impulses and desperately broken trusts to do her in. The old white women from the Visiting Nurses Association trying to keep me afloat amount to little more than a vague exercise in incompetence. It offers one insight into both male misogyny and execution squads. I am sure most libertarians would consider cleanliness valuable, and it is not that I don't. I simply valued my independence more, and stayed clear of pressure sores, until now, and rashes. Sure, no one wants to kill me because I'm a spastic quadriplegic, but forced compliance causing my death? I am just one ever so slightly less anonymous life who related well to Adam's preaching skills when he turned prostate cancer into a parable about the collective majority and individual opposition on twitter. It was well done, and remains my only insight into libertarian philosophy and good grooming. I retweeted the above bit of moral poignancy from Woods' traffic, like anyone, trying to lift the embattled soul's spirit, but I'd never let it get that far, never would. Holding pattern. Save and publish, hang on? Recover? That is a very deep vortex.

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