Friday, February 8, 2019

Fraudulent Undercurrents Toward Anarchy

"It is always a good idea to keep an eye on the enemy!"-- Linda C. Dezenski, much regretted colleague

I only wish I had the time to explore laxity in the citizenship application process. I do not, but Johnson's expose on the legitimacy of Omar's marital status illustrates the underlying problems with it. I do not know if Omar's tenuous claims about her partnerships are enough to have her legal residency in the United States investigated, but they should be enough to remove her as a duly elected representative of "Little Mogadishu".  This is clearly a case of election fraud, whether or not the insinuations about lax moral standards in underdeveloped regions echo the history of the Pharaohs in Egypt, who married brother to sister in an obvious misapprehension over concerns about preserving royal bloodlines. These Oedipal forms of intercourse, while rare, are not unheard of. These Oriental cultural norms, while exotic, are antithetical to the Enlightenment evolution of human rights on which the United States is founded and beholden to. 

Many people, when confronted with my livid anger at how ableism disenfranchises the impaired, and this includes Gabby Giffords, keep telling me to get help, and indeed, my very family wants me to surrender and restore myself to institutionalization, but what none of you can see is how honorable I've been. I do not engage in Trump's dubious and conflated deal making with his name as a form of logo visibility. This has nothing to do with mass production, or technical ingenuity, but I have also never intentionally committed welfare fraud. Without question, I use cerebral palsy to get away with, and evade behavioral control. That is about self-preservation, but I do not betray my own ethics, like many homosexuals in my life have, so perhaps my principles have as much to do with my downfall as my choices, but give the left a refugee patsy, like Omar, and they fall all over themselves to advance enfeebled infantilism courtesy of the Dark Continent. Pluralism and Muslim stricture cannot, will not, co-exist, without one destroying the other. The Islamic empires which emerged after Rome did not follow the same path of multi-cultural tolerance. They dissolved into the troubled Muslim countries of the post-war era much faster, overwhelming European existential angst when those of European descent allowed it much as Bowles and Joseph Conrad before him foretell it. Why in god's name can't we stand up for what we are? My country has intimated throughout my life that I am better off dead, despite the small modicum of individual identity I've wrested from it by sheer force of will, and I am willing to fight for it despite my encroaching expendibility. Why aren't you?

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