Saturday, January 30, 2021

Bell Jar Vibrations

 "When Jimmy Kimmel isn't unfunny, he's utterly intolerable, he makes uniformed talking points for television."-- one of Twitter's remaining true believers.

Death knells can be larger than any one small cluster of human frailty, and even though certain pugnacious leftist personalities like Maher claim that 9/11 didn’t change anything, in terms of wake up calls for the salvage of western liberalism, his assertion is a kind of confabulation about the nature of human disaster. 9/11 didn’t change anything on the surface of the American empire, but there have been a series of tabulations in relation to the state of the national psyche, which is why, for the life of me, I don’t understand whatever political muscle Keith Ellison has in Minnesota; it’s obscure, shrouded in fog, the diagram that divides his definition of patriotism from Nation of Islam’s own jingoism, this is discomfiting, regardless of whatever Maga bullshit was orchestrated behind the scenes on January 6th from Charlie Kirk and his brand of Christian nationalism. I tried to warn Charlie about this before he tarnished whatever coup de grace Maga’s revolt once had in 2016, but hot dogs don’t abide by the chastisements of a world weary fury, such as both his and my Twitter accounts amounted to prior to Dorsey’s understated and eloquent diatribe about healthy conversations; his thread reads like a Kafkaesque dissertation waving a “guilty as charged” flag, but Twitter was never about the health of any lingua franca. My diffident wading into social media’s alure in the mist of its contradictory crackdown is over, despite the inordinate amount of time I recently spent on deactivation out of sympathy for our latest Bull Moose Idiot, only to reinstall it temporarily upon realization that Gab is about building capital through outrage; I have been mortally wounded by enough dalliances with pre-pandemic losses to the Exchequer, and knock off models which claim to offer agitators against progressives a firewall for a hefty fee isn’t much of an inducement, not when socialized medicine continually illustrates the folly of rationed care through so many arbitrary layers of nonsense. A woman who is a static failure gets to experience on a daily basis the tenuous relationship between entitlement and constitutional right. There is no such fucking thing for a wheelchair user who has to operate under and be haunted by “nursing home eligibility” her entire life and then have society break her down for its final act. So she avoided more triggers about 9/11 in documentary hyper-realism, such as films like United 93.

In this context, the Amazon Original 7500, although much later than United 93, coming out for distribution in 2019, is gently derivative in it’s spin off from the perspective of Paul Greengrass. As far removed as Vollrath's narrative is from the events of that day, I still had a panic attack watching this from beginning to end. It is only under the duress of populist cynicism that I begin to question this. Ilhan Omar bleats in the House like one of Orwell’s pigs, while I, always aspirational in my patriotism, until the ghetto scorched my eyelids, sit dying in her socialist belief system, not simply due to lack of retail insurance.

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