Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Ugandan Presidency


What has been happening in Afghanistan over the course of the past week in no way offers up a vindication of libertarian political philosophy, despite the fact that an angry and indignant president stood at that podium late Monday afternoon trying to master Rand Paul’s designer rhetoric for sympathizers of The Confederacy as it existed in 1862. Joe Biden, the nominee of the hour, the blabbermouth who touted his forty years of policy experience, playing Secretary Rumsfeld’s gadfly by flying a trial balloon for a “federated” Iraq,  as the "shock and awe" of the needless occupation of  Baghdad wound down, came off last night a shade or two more ruthless than Idi Amin. This doesn’t bode well for political professionals like Amash, who also has considerable mastery over rhetoric for individual liberty, or for those with the ego of an over-inflated self-importance, like Austin Petersen, my long time viral acquaintance. I like Austin, and many libertarians I have met, locally and online, but this withdrawal of our military forces was a humanitarian disaster of epic proportion. If the prestige and power of the US was hemorrhaging since 2005, by Friday evening it officially became a disabled veteran with an amputated limb!

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