Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When Summer Burns The Earth, Again

"Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid."-- I'm still standing

I am not trying to convey that my fervent appreciation of Elton’s discography was exceptional. The little big man gave The Who a run for their money, stayed relevant on the charts longer than he should have, his beats increasingly trivial by the time I stopped buying his albums, I simply reflect back, and remain uncertain. Taupin’s lyricism either kept me alive or nourished the root of my latter day scathing cynicism, merging my moody to his narcissistic, allegorical depth: tracks like “Meal Ticket,” after all, display a libertarian send up of the welfare state. It seems to illuminate upon my fundamental flaw, diving into this British rock melancholia on the basis of a grade school special education teacher’s recommendation. Neil Montgomery, my first puppy love, exceedingly masculine to a thirteen year old’s burgeoning sex drive. Much taken with “Bennie and the Jets,” and responsible for my slavering purchase of every album Elton ever recorded, this over adhesion remains a cautionary tale, Neil soon vaporized by other longings, never actualized. He probably grew florid in old age, reflective blue eyes, wavy brown hair, mustache. He taught me hockey, and it remains my favorite sport, never enough opportunity to view and follow the teams, not since Clarke’s Broad Street Bullies. This was the year they brought the Stanley Cup to the ward, and the dowager then in pigtails, got to touch the iconic trophy as compensation for orthopedic butchery soon to follow.

Was the masochism always there, or ingrained? Analysis cannot always cure the wounds of destructive implosion. If I felt threatened by my former program manager Linda Dezenski, my backlash, the cruelty of the vitriol I heaped on her afterwards was a form of self-cutting without physically engaging in the activity. Ditto the journey through the attendant care abuse. In spite of this, a lesbian indulgence would never be satisfactory. Attendant care itself assures me on this point, as the close physical contact with the Africans, however necessary, is undesirable, in the seven years winding its way through this account, toward the collapse of my machines and ensuing frailty, I lived in those elusive ballads. How is “Ticking” a lazy predicate for the spree shootings which flair up and recede straight through 2018? It blames Catholicism through flashback refrains for a mass murderer Bernie probably dredged up through Fleet Street. I did the same thing as a poet, while remaining not so sanguine about causal links between theology and violence. I drowned myself in this, music meant for LSD users of its age, and what did I purchase with all these intense investments?? Nothing but the folly of alienating myself further, condemned to a life of mostly brutal micro-management, while celebrity glides on double standards. A recording artist sues his manager, confesses to being strung out on drugs, like a prodigal son, while run of the mill opioid users constitutes a crisis. In the transition from actively living towards actively dying, (conservatives, while not wrong in relation to sanctity, seem to forget the hardship which goes in tandem with birth diagnosis) this woman is not having the easiest of times, but she’ll be glad to go. I am glad for destructors like Cruz, whatever neuroscience does to them. I'm glad, and there will be impaired individuals clever enough, in the future, to strike, evade capture, for the sake of what you do to us, what you do to teach us to pulverize each other.

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