Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bauble Feet

Martian colonists become preoccupied with Perky Pat Layouts, small sets representing penthouse apartments inhabited by a Barbie-Doll like figure and her Ken-like mate. --Behrens and Ruch analyzing Palmer Eldritch

Senator Kerry approximates a human being remarkably well. Surely he is flesh, blood, cartilage and orifice like the rest of us. This was my impression of the man during my obligatory 30 seconds of interaction with him after his 2004 consolation tour, and yes, it says something about this country that a failed piece of tripe like myself could discuss the wrong Treasury Secretary with a New England blue blood, but the yawning gulf between this failed presidential nominee and the urban herd who purchased his global warming book (I am selling my copy back, eventually, and I'm sure you'll snap it up like ginger grahams), says something else about American caste. The wall between the Senator and myself was more impenetrable than any bulletproof vest. Susan Rice  is closer to the ground, a slightly better maintained version of Debra Horne, local dementia calculator, and in that vein of competence, the ambassador has done little to impress me. Unlike Lindsey, I do not consider her intelligence feed on Benghazi fatal. Kerry is simply a more recognized national figure, and has earned the soon to be open Principal slot at State.

If I had the ability to take McCain and the Congressional Black Caucus by the scruff and bust their heads for them, the pharmaceutical industry would begin to worry about its Prozac profit margins. Can I discern the policy differences between Madeline Albright and Condoleezza Rice, or the departing Hillary? Only in the most cursory fashion, but neither Ambassador Rice's ethnicity nor her intelligence is at issue; the question is one of her temperament. The three women who were Secretary had it, but I have my doubts about Rice. That Kerry is rich white and old school does not discount the fact that he has earned this post. He served his country, (this is me not examining the Swift Boat tactic very closely) and he has been loyal to his party, and to Obama. Be glad I do not have real power, because we'd revert to the original thirteen states within no more than a bling. 

Question for the Harvard elite: If I do not have the right to tape Ms.Horne's mouth shut and cut off her thumb that hits the intercom switch to announce coffee hour or the budget grocer, or bible study, simply because I do not have your economic resources to keep my living space private, why in the world would I worry about Facebook or Google? Seems to me, cerebral palsy precludes the implied rights under western constitutional norms that you feel sacred as an ambulatory individual.

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