Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bog Bones Dredger

American students may be careless, shallow, and hyper-sexed, depending on the campus, the department, and how much athletic culture looms over the future valley girl, but these same students know when they are being snowed by self-aggrandizement. This is why, after Thomas Kinsella handed out the texts for his class, my last at this university, the twenty five young men and women who crowded in front of me, bustling to their seats with sounds familiar to many, flocked out of the room in droves. The course requirement was a poetry collection which he edited, and included his own work, and this is the reason I should have departed with the majority crowd, as I mention at the beginning of the month, and remain opposed to state regulation of our lives, ad infinitum. Vocational services did not actually forbid me to drop the class, which, through lax advisor supervision, it turned out I did not need--I met with the dean, and she was sympathetic to my plight with Kinsella's deportment-- but this incident tarnished my ambitions, had I wanted to stay in the academy as a scholar, like my former flame listed last [yes, I could be like one of those mad matrons and continue to attempt interaction and telephone, and he would hang up and debate having me blocked, but I am emotionally dead as far as my past is concerned, and remain desperate for one thing really, more autonomy before my body becomes a palliative file a mile long for our ever necessary social services sector, not go back and get teaching accreditation at my age, and never again case manage for the sake of salary, but somewhere in the median between over specialized and regulated lives find a way to restore my career and age out with some measure of esteem]. As to Irish poetry and his own, I still do not know what this grand old man wanted me to teach myself; he passed two of the five remaining students, which I serve up as an example of why I have a healthy skepticism of pedagogic methodology, and John's preoccupation with it in theory and practice. I cannot say outright that Kinsella did not want to pass me on the basis of prejudice. His self-aggrandizement was a turn off, and I misunderstood the course synopsis, but I know my own limitations, and the state counselors, who failed to realize I could have graduated in January, worked against what they thought was in my best interest.

My audience knows I am guilty of trolling, but I am not casting aspersion here. I have been discriminated against by old men like Kinsella, unjustly-- and yes, even when I was motivated, and humbling myself to make what I see as a valid point. Systems inefficiency and redundancy create their own evil, and we all need to participate in streamlining it, and conversely, incorporate better flexibility. The astute can perceive why I tag my former employer.

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