Friday, March 15, 2013

Schismatic Espresso Breaks

"No you're not!" Timothy Artis admonishing me after I asserted I was rotten.

What Tim and I never say is implicit in our actions, our tolerance of each other out of necessity. He needs my ready payment unregulated by Medicaid waiver administration, and I need his relatively non-judgmental ability to handle my domestic interior, though this is slowing due to the fact that my freelancing is all but brain dead, with my recent laptop setbacks, and the fact that I am utilizing delay with one tenth that of Laurence Sterne's timing.

Let's cut to the chase: Am I a racist? Not in the evolutionary sense. As a matter of biology Tim is superior to me in many functional respects, but in terms of sociological dynamics I suppose many of you would feel comfortable giving me that label because of what Kevyn Orr signifies, even in the 21st century. Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, places like Compton in California. All black cities that seep into the cracks and filter through the white working class, sometimes striking the truly affluent. Is it fair of me to suggest that the black inner city is responsible for Garrett's propensity to addict and od himself? It happened in my family as well, and Nicholas did not need black drug dealers to destruct in the end, but enablement is a relevant issue, and the fact that a mature man of sixty two has to engage in infantilism, asking the disabled woman still struggling on the straight and narrow for a cash advance because he "needs cigarettes." Well, we have not come that far yet, not in my terminology of community integration. Although I dream to get good enough so that my voyeur viewers will one day give me enough support for this small happiness. It would be more convenient for you to download me to your kindle, and I'd only work harder. If you are working, what is another 99 cents?

I have not installed my apparently cheap laser jet yet, and need to take care of that, at least to ensure that I will not have to return it, tweaked some minor revisions here, I will attempt to take a break, plow back into rewriting what I have to, having rode out my pc illiterate grief (it struck me hard). I have held up on continuing with my conspiracy theory analysis because I do actually see it as applicable, and not simply a matter of reaction. To disagree with the state of Israel does not make one automatically guilty of anti-semiticism. Sheldon is a weighty and cerebral optimist in his Jamesian scholarship, and more than that, he is a delight to read while his thesis gains in illumination, so get to it. I have sworn myself silly that I am starting The Young Master later into Saturday morning. Perhaps you too would join the chorus led by Leon Edel.

I think the sheer audacity of Henry James and Oliver Wendell Holmes jacking off is an indelible source of amusement, and there is nothing to suggest Sheldon's homoerotic imagination is wrong.

If I change my mind I'll be back later.

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