Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The gait of Toru Tanaka

"You're not living here at Riverside!"-- Trudy Richardson in April 2008  when I could not clean the apartment because it was taking me over a year to get Medicare to repair my old power chair or get me a new one.

My neighbor Jay moved into this Presby location approximately the same time as I did, a paraplegic from a fall at a construction site when he was nineteen. Younger than I am, his health is deteriorating in an alarming fashion. Tim, my long serving domestic collusionist, informed me yesterday that Jay is in the hospital with a serious blood infection, and his family may "put him in a nursing home." This is not the fate of every low income tenant under the PresbyHomes umbrella, but the majority of us are driven insane by the company's daily rhythm, a rhythm driven by this efficacious department, driven by state inspectors, or by Presby itself.

Jay is sick because he does nothing but sit and smoke in his unit and doesn't move, and the blood pools in our legs, buttocks. I am informing you of his plight not to gossip, but to illustrate the despair of forced marginalization even within section 811/202 vectors. Jay has no where near my education, but he would certainly understand why I have been raising my voice for so long on the Internet about the sterile cruelty of the social safety net in the US, and there has to be a better way, which is why I think the HUD independent living modules need to be dismantled and made more fluid, more private property oriented with regional community support.

I want to be in a private apartment *supported* by affluent Caucasians, possibly Asians, and undoubtedly Roman Catholics, whom I feel are trustworthy. And those affluent individuals need to be more involved with those struck by chronic conditions, whether at birth, or later. You aren't. Tanaka, in order not to injure Chuck Norris, action star silly air, tosses him over the bar in An Eye For An Eye. Primitive choreography due to safety concerns. If I could inhabit Kalani with my hidden limp, I would have fractured Chuck's skull by slamming it into the bar panels, and as I critique more policy, maybe you will one day understand that anger. I still share it with more visible activists, despite my rift with them.

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