Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Postman Always Rings Twice?

"Stop being a wuss." The American idiom. 

Yes, the half dead cripple down a ways from Harvard's faculty offices upbraided the merry Niall Ferguson. WTF do I know about Keynesian stimulus and aggregate demand? Not nothing, but also not very much, and the reason for this is a very studied winner, on or around the time of Gerard Debreu, won the Nobel in economics for the radical assertion of "doing nothing" to manage free markets.

But let me deconstruct what Niall meant, in a revisionist sensibility: Keynes was a repressed homosexual and this therefore this influenced his lack of optimism in bust cycles; it may not be true, but Ferguson was acknowledging difference, and goodness forbid. Pink camels like Manuel read their public the riot act on the hidden genocidal impetus toward gays. This is poppy cock. I befriended a number of gay individuals Manuel, and not all of them intended me psychological harm, but many of these people hurt me, and then they wander off. Niall is not blaming Keynes for the great recession, only asserting that Keynesian lack of optimism came from a darkened well spring. This assertion may be contended, and is, vigorously, but it is not an observation made out of hate.

Me? I am asserting that my personal experiences created the hate, and that the hatred is justified. I simply haven't expounded on what this means, since I do not believe extermination in any measure is viable. Murder may be liberating, but it also consumes a significant amount of energy to conceal, and has no geopolitical justification.

Neither does subsistence, however, which, like my latest spring head cold, threatens to envelop me, and that is in some measure my fault, with lack of post-graduate completion, but not entirely, as I have always known I wasn't healthy enough to field an average teaching load. Hence maybe I wasn't wrong not to accrue more debt. But you have no idea what it's like; you cannot.

The majority of babies born disabled should be euthanized. Oral history informs that I fought for my life, and surprise. If someone had shown me what my life would be, would my premature struggle had been so adamant?

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