Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wicked Men

Dear Joanne,
Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts about current issues. Please be assured that constituent correspondence will receive a reply in the near future. Pat Toomey

Thursday evening a crisis ensued with cupboard bare of tins, and when I returned Friday morning at nine lady iguana leapt onto my thigh and stood, in need of reassurance against abandon, and I cursed my heart, one that loves these children too much and yet after a lifetime of dead felines and an inability to save myself perhaps coming down the turn off on Baltimore Pike, underneath all this I am a regular smoe that mourns her few authentic friendships. They are gone, and all I have left is a battle that takes a bull headed obstinacy to wage, an embarrassment at my temper, an exposure to more indignity, like Biden repeating "pubic hair in a coke" in the Anita Hill fiasco. 

I never understood Hill then, but I understand the pain of hostile environments, friends and colleagues belittling, turning on you with snide and disparaging epithets. Castro is our newest pariah, the new "monster." But these residential imprisonments are common among the lowest urban social castes. Sordid, like little Affleck tearing down Morgan Freeman one plank at a time. Oh, even I shut Ariel off, and debate donating to the women in their trauma, but it is exactly through the process of not being willing to open your eyes that notorious horrors like this happen. Castro will be murdered in prison if not in due process of justice, but he is human. The worst kind, sadistic, devoid and beyond redemption.

When I wrote "I wanted Christopher Dorner to win," I understood the 31 page views, the gawk, is she really crippled?  How can she mean that? Like a raw, vibrating lash, and yes, even through he was wrong, and seriously eroded his own case by killing the daughter, I had hoped to see in him a defiant liberator, victorious against a modern malaise represented by filth like Castro. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, by contrast, was a cosmetic zealot in the vein that Biden meant it during his speech for the fallen officer, and crashed American psychoses with bad manners; fine tuning my dark discriminations.

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