Sunday, August 4, 2013


If I have too austerely punish'd you
Your compensation makes amends. The Tempest, 4.1. 1700

Nomaan Merchant handles the difficulty of plotting his points for his AP feed very well. I did not when the Fort Hood killings were fresh. I tried to do a secondary op-ed, but after an enfeebled hit (or two), I put it in storage, not because I couldn't keep trying, but because I did not have a good angle on my conservative outrage. Contracted columnists have distinct advantages and access to historical data, outraged or not. I am debating downloading Merchant's feed, trying to do too many other things. I think of when the minorities surrounded me outside my door in 2008, after everything I suffered, how my entire life I have been objectified for the benefit of medical science, and yet, the US Army would rather shit a brick as opposed to profiling a first generation Palestinian who is costing his country a small fortune, after causing so much suffering. Interesting question for Tim, Hasan's health and dignity as a newly minted paraplegic, he receives better health care than I do. 

A pedestrian look at Tim Gilmer's personal medical battles would say his perspective is healthy. The man was dealt a raw deal and is making the best of it, happy cowboy. I see a grown man in a regressive co dependency who names his legs to keep connected to flesh he cannot feel. To the ambulatory world this is an insider's fight, and I am unduly outnumbered, and should remember that Tim's managing editor Josie went a long way with me. Publishing my column about Matrix as a failed effort gave me a shitty little chapbook clip that ultimately earned me 3,000 dollars. It doesn't make her back bite any easier. I did not elevate Ms. Byzek, and in fact often took issue with her mitigating compliance lectures. I never stuck a knife in her rib cage, not until recrimination became source material.

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