Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bull horns

"Make love as much a you can. It's good for you."-- maybe an exact quote from Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night.

I rolled into the office yesterday and told Trudy Richardson I wanted a meeting about Presby transferring me out of the company. This made my despair unravel a considerable distance, but public housing is more corrupt than the Koch brother's money funneling right wing dissension, so, if I vanish, vested interests have deliberately injected me with cancer causing agents. Danny Aiello screaming Jack Ruby at the top of his lungs. You remember that made for television movie, right? I believe the JFK assassination was a conspiracy, but I also believe it failed, and no one would dare it again. Pressed for time, my charming aunt screamed into voicemail, "Joanne what happened to the plane?"

"Aunt Marie, what the fuck do you think I am, black ops?" Italian aunts. I did not actually offer her that rejoinder.

Just because I have not connected all the dots, this doesn't mean I'm wrong. Told you so. And I will connect the dots. Policy pieces take time.

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