Saturday, May 17, 2014

Narendra Modi

Minister Modi, congratulations on your victory for Bharatiya Janata: I am only an observer from afar of the British Empire's former crown jewel, and look on with mild perplexity on the sectarian strife between Indian Hindu and Muslim, but your rise as a nationalist intrigues me. I could engage in hyperbole toward other ends, but since I know India and Pakistani tensions are brittle and complex. all I will post is that conservative leadership needs to stand firm, and I hope you do so, and manage a great evolution for your ancient nation, its rich cultural heritage.

I am probably "not going to make it," to paraphrase the great American actor Spencer Tracy, from his last film. Everyone who is a movie buff knows about Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, but I let it drift by until last week, and found it amazingly frank, sincere, without the false subversity of Spike Lee's Jungle Fever.

Asians know something about creative destruction, and would invariably suggest I find a way to accept that my last gasp of determination will not be enough, and that I bow to the will of "consumer model" compliance. This is gaining in popularity around urban areas like New Delhi, to my understanding. Classifications designed toward ease of designation. This discovery about my follower on this Blogger account is what so vainly disappointed me, after turning my tumblers, about him. I thought Ed lived here at Presby for medical reasons. Before 2012 this earned him my deference, my respect. He is Jewish, but I assume this is not an issue on the subcontinent. As there is the general term, consumer, which means shopper, so there is disabled consumer. Then mental health consumer. These are poisonous designations, and India's much maligned caste system, though I cannot speak for its efficacy, is admirably forthright. I do not know Ed that well, but he is evidently a nice mild mannered fruitcake, and embraces the consumer agency model, which is still relatively young in its systems development, only just created when I was in my twenties.

I know so much, so little of your country, all at the same time! I did not know Hinduism could even have a hard line, like right wing evangelicals. But now I will cause trouble: 1. Pakistan needs to be punished for killing Benazir Bhutto! Ineffective minister or not, she was still a Brahmin. 2. Stand firm, don't allow any massacres, lest progressives get hard ons about the natural rights of lemmings Make nice with China, and only then shoot to kill.

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