Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Vicious Irritation

I want to expand a bit on the travesty of vanity. Examiner is useful for a student or casual citizen journalist who follows aggregating methods. Even established media outlets aggregate, blog, dumb it down or up. Clarity Media outsources a tutorial which is standard journo 101 from your eleventh grade high school collegiate track instruction. The reviewers are a grade above the vanity contributors, and basically all they do is approve or reject news content for Google or Bing's RSS feed.

Now, follow along a moment. Examiner's guidelines suggest content between 150 to 400m. My rapid write up on Glass, which is starting to bore me as the ultimate angst device, ran to about 230m, aggregating from three other more content driven pieces. The reviewer rejected it as newsworthy for being too short and gave me new guidelines, which are Google's standard for newsworthy material. 

Fine. You fix it. This is what journos do-- but I only wrote it hurriedly to maintain my eligibility for promotion on Google News, which is under threat because yours truly hasn't written news in 25 days. None of Examiner's trending topics interest me, a major exception being Oscar Pistorius. I see larger issues afoot in the plight of Bladerunner and the damnation of identity. I want to do a real article on this, my own work.

I am having technical problems on my Examiner page, however. So, do I now lose my precious eligibility to have my content promoted? Ha ha ha. I do not know much about Clarity Media. I know they own The Weekly Standard, which I would like to apply for a position with, if they could accommodate me, and have an opening, but this publication has more sobering standards, and I myself am nearly done in, so to speak.

Points to a larger issue of aggregate systems collapse. Examiner itself has a well meaning personality disorder. Saying one thing under management, another at the zombie stooge level, under which I'm running myself haggard, stinky witch with fish oil arm pits and straw dry dull greying hair, trying to maintain some modicum of self-reliance. I have no idea why Frances Glenn Cross believed his anti-antisemitism would be satisfied with the deaths of innocent people in temple. Since he is being tried under hate crime statue, presumably federal attorneys will argue he is rational, and wanted to kill out of hate.

My impulses toward violence are different, and stem from both deplorable inefficiency of state systems, my significant hatred of compliance models which are going to relegate me into infantilism anyway so why am I still fighting? and getting screwed so significantly by the activists themselves. BBC mystery producers know something about this in their Inspector Gently series. The desire to strike back doesn't pop out of a vacuum. I have no idea what you think about my content, contradictory as it is, maybe sometimes loopy also, indicative of skills giving way to belligerence, and maybe my hatred of gay and lesbian psychology has something to do with ugly women relegated to getting off on themselves with dildos, (investigating for a cover story) and my ex-supervisor's imaginary climaxes that she painted for me. Maybe. Reflexive analysis isn't an arm wrestling match with psychiatric manipulations, but it is also something I intuit as more compelling.

I don't know what I'd be willing to do in real world terms, if age, dependence, could be surmounted. It is not the innocent I want, but gnostic self love, regardless of its gender spectrum, is a kind of self-interested tunnel vision. We aren't all special, in the aggregating sense, and you know it.

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