Friday, September 19, 2014

Taiwanese Mushrooms

Interesting, is it not? Chiang Kai-shek casts a long shadow, buried so deeply that he is finessed into the violence of the culinary arts, but Taiwanese and mainland China's social norms aren't all that different. The island may be more fluid, speculatively less corrupt than the lying hatchet men in Beijing, but it boils down to the same thing: Homogeneity and repression under male dominion for the greater good, and though it is an entirely different subject, it may be why Japanese pornography is so outlandish, riddled with abuse of prescription drugs: Western promiscuity and permissiveness is an indigestible element, so Asians go at it when it comes to sexual stimulus. If Europeans vanished tomorrow no one would notice. China and Japan and the Vietnamese would pick up where they left off, easily able to absorb millions more in atrocities, and we can root for the Emperor from the owner's box at the right hand of heaven.

Eat Drink Man Woman was viewed intimately a very long time ago, illutrative of the fact that Ang Lee is a loving optimist who finds good karma possible for all. Seeing it again wasn't needed, but did remind a terrorist that aesthetic excellence is redeemable, worth striving for, and can even halt the decline of sensory deprivation from grief. Like Tampopo, it gives misanthropic energies a place to rest, even if no armistice was ever signed after the Communist takeover. The Republic of Taiwan should exist. It does not because the United States simply doesn't want the fight, as it slowly declines into not being able to wage a serious conflict with the PRC, and the Politburo plays a clever waiting game.

If China becomes the dominant global power toward mid-century, then it becomes a game of Waterworld, and Jinpings's successors will resort to tea worker exports, a last resort, collectivism defeated against a dead ecosystem.

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