Sunday, September 21, 2014

What possible objection could I have?

"In the old days I would have worn a pink ribbon!"--Georges Simenon on the myriad variations of French tolerance for lewd behavior.

There is a reason why journalists like Monica Hesse succeed in publishing features like these, one in which Wapo wisely cut off the comment section. Sex sells. It drives everything we do barring post-menopausal low libido. Never mind my opposition to radical sexual equality for the moment on the basis of risky behavior. Kelsey's gender identification plight is merely cosmetic, a form of slacktivism, especially this plea toward the anonymity of personhood. It sounds more like a cry for relief which the medical model isn't able to provide short of aggressive and outmoded procedures, if I too want to maintain currency on the basis of my research. Is Kelsey's plight unfortunate? Perhaps, but it only stands in Kelsey's way because she, as a biological female, allows it. It doesn't prevent her from taking a piss. When I have to piss, I need back up plans. It doesn't prevent her from driving a car, getting an education. If I had even attempted to make motor vehicle adaptations, I might have been dead by now due to aggressive driving, like Blair Underwood in his last episode. If Kelsey wants to fuck, the vast majority of humans available for that purpose do identify as male or female, even if they have transgendered. Hermaphroditic tendencies are invertebrate and pre-mammalian, if you need to see reversion as an evolutionary advance, I doubt it bodes well for transhuman adaptation.

Rejecting gender all together is not a cause, not a mission. Maybe a fashion statement, but Henry James produced more than one bad novel on that basis.

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