Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Victor Mature Kills Kitty!

We've all seen the 49 film a million times. But today it reminded me how little time I spend on my work, and how much I hope that feline had a humane stunt double and that the carcass on the set was old, fake, and my own post-modern rendition of the jawbone with a jackass snapshot, rolling mafia Semitic bling all into one.

Cutbank rejected "With The Jawbone of A Jackass," but wrote "It made it past our first reader!," and I pulled the piece, rewriting it when not exhausting myself on mind games with google eye rolling bitch evasions. Judges is an esoteric scriptural contest, the least theological, and the scribe who was faithful to the legend of Samson must have anticipated the rise of the mogul in Cecil B Dmille, or was British, not that Hollywood ever did any prescriptive favors for doctrine, but why does a Hebrew bully so captivate the imagination?

We have no Philistine archaeology, only the knowledge that they were the regional power in play during that period of the Jewish inferiority complex, and if the Philistines were bullies, hey, the sons of Aaron had the appropriate lamentations, and out of yeshiva a bully was born. I may eschew Christ, but Samson, no. I believe he existed and fought for his people. His desire to belong to the gilded mistrusted metropolitan power class a cause celebre which achieved the desired result in the end. The last time I paid attention to lion population estimates they were at 100k. That they've dropped to 30k in 2014 is a terrible tragedy. The most recognized animal on earth. We can't even act collectively for that, and some of you temptingly lecture me about negation. Hmm. Merry Christmas

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