Thursday, January 22, 2015

Elmer's Glue

"Tollefson has lunch with President Liacouras every week!"-- a liberal literature instructor empathizing with student body sense of collusion.

One cannot be too harsh with the image of perfection that television projects. It is human vanity in play, but it is due to this, and moral clause contracts, that media personalities seem invulnerable. When they topple, it can be gut wrenching or gratifying, and in Tollefson's case, I fall into the former category. On video, after the guilty verdict, the man looked ghastly. It comes as a bit of a shock, and yet, for those of us who has never cheated, merely buffeted by corruption, events such as these only stoke reactionary anger. I made an unexpected windfall from group insurance, little more than two years of my former salary, last 8 years, despite spend down and medical model brutality, so I am at a bit of a loss in comprehending how Tollefson landed himself in this predicament with what seems like a generous pension, and I can hear Jim Gardner's condolences without searching his tweets, with the usual sentiments of high social standing.

The Great Recession is still reverberating, except for special cases in their own bubble of indigence. Everyone wants to be Bernie Madoff, floating on flimsy straws of derivative opulence, except for schmucks and half-crazed peasants, like oxen, tilling hard under the yoke, not succeeding on the basis of virtue, examining true crimes to look for loop holes, discovering that most murders involve petty vendettas and salacious neighbors who want to get their tattles in to modern muckrakers with microphones, lovers killing each other, husbands dis-articulating wives, vamps using sex to kill deluded paramours, everyone trying to look their best: the right sports bra, the best hair extension, the most efficient face lift, the least lethal erection enhancer.

I remember many of the most personable WPVI anchors: this deceased and colorful Texan, Larry King, Dave Roberts, father of the third rate actor David Boreanaz, Lisa Thomas-Laury, whose illness apparently got an astonishing level of accommodation from the ABC affiliate. One assumes this is not due to threat of a wrongful termination lawsuit, since Poems Syndrome seems rather singular and distinct, and Rob Jennings. WPVi's sense of continuity worked in terms of brand loyalty, but that too has pitfalls within our unfortunate mortal coils, even arrogance.

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