Sunday, July 12, 2015

Powder Charge Hypocrisy Clearance

Hard as it is for me to believe, I've lived without a cable television subscription since 1997, although I've managed to cling to my ISP, perhaps not with the most effective diligence. My lack of focus on cable series is mostly about time management as opposed to poverty. I have 600 texts to read, trying to move without a job and an evil colon, loss of body mass and other plagues, but the other issue is I am not really interested in Orange Is The New Black or House of Cards. They are fine series, but my spirit has been imprisoned since I did the wrong thing by slamming my damn skull against North Philadelphia. I do not need to watch white chicks who actually broke the law join the fuck up world of minority loose ends trying to hold it together simply because I was obstinate. I'm still interested in Six Feet Under, as long as Michael Hall and Mathew St Patrick do not become overly graphic, and may purchase the seasons in chunks, but other than a little research into Orphan Black, I do not know what the big league subscription dependent channels have that I might wish to mine. Walking Dead is available and I'm not religious about it. It took me a little time to find Bounce, and I booted ION off my favorites to replace it with the black channel.

Spastic bigot struggles with futility to rend her cheap knit and beat her breast: I'm only there for the material, and there is plenty to be had, like this weird bit of grisly delusion. Legacy has issues as a dramatic vehicle, even if Thomas Ikimi is using *blackness* to serve up deep seated conspiracy theories. Is it indirectly about Obama's and white governance? Is Eamonn believable as a senator waiting in the wings to finally dispense with the democratic process? As a supporting actor he is as solid as a Zulu, and British.  Just turning my stones. Arch smile.

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