Friday, July 10, 2015

Humidity, Organic Plummer

Last week, Ms. Rubin castigated the GOP, presumably due to Trump's rise into the second tier, and I believe this is the link to her commentary:

I have little to opine on Trump's comments, even if the murder in San Francisco fueled them. Perhaps Twinkie city might want to rethink how it cooperates with our federale keystone cops in the future. With this concession in mind, Donald Trump is a shyster and a con artist, and militarizing the border with Mexico by aping Israel's concrete bunker mentality is not a solution to Latino population pressure to retake the Americas that those of European descent took with the horse and bayonet. But where I part company with Jennifer is on her chastisement toward moderation in conservative alarm. If Trump is successfully tapping in to Caucasian unease, it is precisely Caucasian unease for which I've taken my lumps on this account, and, while I cannot say that jingoism will destroy the GOP of Senator Toomey and John Boehner, the American left is out of its mind, and we'll see far worse than Trump in the future if progressives truly believe that erasure is going to create a Frank Capra utopia. The only reason I haven't signed up to join a movement like ISIL is because of the moderate severity of my symptoms due to the extent of my cerebral palsy, but this is no indicator of my lack of willingness to engage in insurrection against the US if I had the physical skill and ability to do so. This is how deep my anger runs, but I lack the requisite skills, and for all of his methodical ability, the DC sniper, who had the requisite skills, allowed himself to get caught rather than build a following.

Jennifer referenced conservative hysteria over the gay marriage ruling. I have no hysteria. We all knew that once states began recognizing same sex unions, those states that resisted would fall due to interstate commerce clauses. I am not against gay marriage. I am against homosexual practices being given equality with heterosexual intercourse and its ability to propagate the species. Forcibly erasing the genealogy of the past, to reference Foucault, whose sexual practices made him one of the earliest French sacrifices to AIDS, is worse than any reactionary crimes perpetuated in its name. As my digestive system is stressing, and I need to solve my bathing mobility over the weekend, we'll leave it there, but rest assured, I've been turning over stones in my wearied mind frame. Pansies are no doubt celebratory that I'm weakened to such an extent.

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