Saturday, November 5, 2016

Wavering in Richard Spencer's Mirage

Let us separate a few apples, oranges, and maybe a chocolate almond pastry.

  • The 1983 attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon is not comparable to the 2012 attack on the Benghazi compound which killed Ambassador Stevens, regardless of what Madame pontificates. I actually lived through the former event, and do not recall the Reagan administration getting a free pass during the civil war. As a politician, Hillary is mixing her metaphors. The attack in Lebanon wasn't foreseeable in the same way that Benghazi should have been to anyone with a moderate security clearance. In 83, the Marines and the French were in a military installation, and the Reagan administration was never accused of skin fliniting security detail. These things were up to the commanders on the ground, and these commanders were flummoxed, successfully, with tragic results and significantly more causalities than occurred in Libya. Hillary was directly responsible for the situation Ambassador Stevens was in, and Susan Rice then tried to cover it up. If it was up to me Susan Rice would have been booted to Manila a long time ago, and Duterte might have been a useful lapdog in his ascent to the helm of America's 56th state, give or take, as the heirs to the Spanish empire, which exasperates me.
  •  Under Constitutional law, Trump is qualified for the presidency. He may not be suitable for the presidency, but he is qualified, and analysts should have found a better way to splice this.

I'm glad we've cleared this up, in my missed calling as the first female fascist dictator. Meanwhile, I am most likely resigned to buying a new Toshiba battery. I paid well over 2000k for both these laptops, and my HP is more stable, larger, and doesn't give me so many problems, I just haven't booted it up since PhillyTechGuy's staff worked on it because the dowager forgets if she had a password on the older machine. This doesn't mean I cannot try to boot it up and reinstall everything, but I do not know what to do if I can't get the HP to unlock. Guy moved, and did not consult the dowager before doing so, and she is a trifle piqued, as local networking still matters. If anyone on social media might advise me about HP when I am ready I'd much appreciate it. I do not believe, when I used the lady regularly, that I required the password prompt, which is why I've forgotten it, and cannot remember how Guy's nascent young adults bypassed the issue; young Gina long moved on, from what Guy told me. Two thousand dollars plus is a great deal of money for me to come to nothing. I don't know. I've gone through two desktops, and my laptops are old. Sigh, but poverty and technological interface are relevant issues.

Niume invited me to join them; if I do I suppose I cannot delve into genocide with my usual relish. For now I'm indecisive, as my frightening fury hasn't changed, trust me. I've simply given Blogger a break. You too, though I have my Trumpian moments

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