Sunday, November 20, 2016

Kick Start Ignitition

The racial conversation we're having today is tribalistic--  JD Vance

Why do individuals do things detrimental to their own welfare? Because in asking a new security guard, sleeping in the lobby, for help, a tuft of fur gets pulled out of the castor, and the annihilator within feels guilty? There is a black guy with a flexed spastic arm, Charles. Typical inner city low life with whom invalids strike up angry conversations about black viciousness, remembering his name. Spastic purchased a cup of coffee for him, and will receive nothing in return for doing so. Charles looked stoned, beat, held the door, came in behind the Jazzy, eyed with suspicion by the Pakistanis who work the franchise. He had to be vouched for, even as those same Pakistanis are solicitous of the invalid. She pays her bill, offers to call the police when minority swill start making trouble, and in her density and genius, bought VUSE vibe cartridges without realizing a different battery will be needed for them. A screw in, maybe next month, not that retailers, whether Asian or Pakistan, know their own products, and I'll have to haggle but desire to try it. RJ Reynolds will, ultimately, be the death of me.

I did not feel altruistic being nice to Charles, anymore than I was awarded being nice to Rick, the jagged ass in 1015, especially when I am a foot and half in the gutter, ready to be broken by (ineffectual?) murderous aggression towards those of Charles' ethnicity who have humiliated me with impunity. You do not see the savage vitriol of my interior rhetoric, and no, it doesn't have to be spelled out, though the detail has been flirted with, etched in hydrochloric acid more likely to debilitate a life long rabid palsy further than achieve any scarring for life on the perpetrator. Did I get the idea from an SVU rape victim? Not that I can recall, but images from serials cannot be discounted, particularly a brutal M-5 story out of Britain which may be a PBS distribution, come and gone.

So desperate to beat the system, to climb back, to go where Jeffrey Brown would fear to tread. Is his equanimity still admired? His eulogy to his dead colleague, her endometrial battle, was low key, more honest than the rest, the insufferable tributes. A symbiotic parasite, recognized, still, a quadriplegic who would wipe out a significant portion of humanity, was kind; it certainly wasn't the Catholic in me, and in real time, Joan Tarshis and I are having a quibble, or not, about an Andrew Sullivan metric I'm not going to bother to read. It is too obvious. She objects to my use of numerals in a tweet. Which one of us is likely to die first? The woman raped by a nigger with failing eyesight? The quadriplegic assaulted by a nigger who did a two year prison term?

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