Monday, May 22, 2017

The Crusades

"We will die like civilized men."-- Anthony Hopkins

Even if I am procrastinating my assignment-- I need to and not attempting flagellation, I have other things to do, and need to stop treating niume like my personal playpen. Give it a break, yet here I am, not really on point, merely on fervor. My libertarian acquaintance Sara talks the language of upward mobility, and I am literally attempting to die in a battle of religious fervor, terrorizing African liberation theology, with a broken bottle and a growl, like Samson with a Tampax stuck in the vagina. I would not have to venture far back into North Philadelphia to catch a bullet over my goading bite: nine people were shot off campus, nine. It follows, from this, if I am going to let the building manager evict me, in lieu of attempting to break her arm, I'd better have a designated haven by the end of July. This is not a great deal of time, yet I am coasting, preoccupied with the topic as my posts may be. Legally homeless is one thing, but as a practical matter, I either have to deploy this impoverished intelligence or first responders will deploy it for me. Can I beat the system and stay safe just because I have the fucking phone?

I do not exactly let Catholics off for what happened to me as a child under Dr. Chance-- the good doctor told my brutal father not to dice me up-- and the Roman mindset wasted no time finding Shriners to override conscience-- but I am more forgiving. If it was up to me, Presbyterians would be dead. All of them. We'll leave it there. I have to rest shins.

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