Saturday, October 21, 2017

Exit Stairs Only

an emergency has been reported

Hypothetically, Penn Medicine is papering my doughnut hole with temporary home health care, but for the fact that my carrier keeps dropping my return call to them, and given it is the weekend, what happens tomorrow remains unknown. EMS has dipped its hand in the lottery of aggressive abuse due to my equipment failure, and the wheelchair vendor and I are shooting off various libertarian sparks, as I have never used this model, and it limits my ability, if you wish to picture a sedan seat on a battery. I am not sure the man in charge would be amenable to an exchange, should it come down to that. It is not that I can’t handle being an object of hate by women medics, but what I was subjected to Thursday echoes childhood, echoes adolescence, echoes adulthood on nine years with Medicaid waiver paraprofessionals, so I am rolling out next week, abandoning my library, my contributor copies, everything. It remains unlikely I’ll be read on this platform or any other in the near term, and I weigh scuttling my service, if definitively leaving my keys and laser lock on the office. Cousin Richard posted a soppy zoological piece about an apathetic 59 year old chimpanzee refusing food who then livened up when a naturalist it had bonded to paid a visit, and in terms of anthropomorphic superiority, spastics are analogous to the tragic consequences of animal husbandry. The sickest aunt tells me to keep fighting, but for what? Traditional medical procedures aggravate my symptoms, rather than mitigate them. The home care nurse telephoned, and the vendor is on his way for more haggling, potential modification. Almost a lifetime of work is still locked up in Office 07, the same aforementioned cousin silent on the matter of success or failure in converting two documents I sent for compatibility to Office 365, and if all property owners are more important than non-property owners, section 202 contractors illustrate the playful frivolity of human rights. These do not exist if you are non-compliant, aberrant tendencies buoyed along in the undertow. Intellectual capacity, though useful in fighting ambulatory guardian maneuvers, isn’t going to solve bio-engineering issues forever. Justice imprisoned a perpetrator, never otherwise persecuted or vindicated on my behalf. Louis Gossett consoles Levar Burton in Roots after a mock up slavery whipping. He exclaims “There will be another day.” This isn’t possible for those of us forced into relegated status, and in this sense, community integration, locked into rationing, is a travesty.

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