Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Complicity of Noor Salman

 Omar Mateen was gay

How long have the lockdowns been bouncing on the heads of our supposedly free societies now? Six months? For more than three years, I have not been able to brew my Krups Automated Drip of my own volition, quite an older model, without significant duress. I cannot cook or prepare my own food spontaneously, this now being the provenance of jamboree man, as I now call him, my little niggardly music man, father driving me back to the city directing my gaze from the passenger side, “Look at that,” he says with subdued emphasis, my eyes following toward a broken gimp of a black man pushing a battered wheelchair with an equally feral white woman in it. With the grace of God, this is the suffering and persecution imposed on me now, stomach distended with acid reflux, but never mind that. How often can I post about the forced imposition of helplessness making me convulse excrement in pain due to medical model indifference? If I want a particular book out of my personal library, I cannot readily access a significant portion of my titles, or my own hard copy manuscripts, my revisions to my nearly ready to publish collections locked away, one failed hard drive after another, doubtful there is any meaningful way to right myself with any positive assertion of who Joanne Marinelli was, at her best, as I hurdle maybe, past sixty years into a leaden despair as numb as that ostracized street couple. True despair is no empathy, no feeling, no remorse, a lack of guilt, except for being still young enough to be struck by ironic moments only relevant to me: a dissection on the series Deadly Motives of Omar Mateen, the worst mass murderer in American history, second only to Stephen Paddock. For those of you who do not view True Crime Network as a learning tool, (and actually I do, getting past the macabre, the crime scene photos, I learn a good deal, about local color, and the Orwellian sometimes ineffectual nature of policing and investigation) Deadly Motives tries very hard to ration out redemption as if it was part and parcel of an Oxycontin epidemic. The daughter of The Happy Face Killer hosts the series, driving to and fro, to the families of victims, to the relatives of the killers, and Sitora Yusufiy is no exception, except there is something off in her expiations relative to this Afghan man she wed so briefly, caught between worlds. I am not sure she has enough social sophistication to truly understand homosexual masking in Western society.

In my anger at Liberty Resources, I concede that I took the Pulse slaughter out of context, but what I told this city’s center, nonetheless, was an accurate warning. Exiles of independent living culture often invest in this culture as the only family we have, and if its manifest corruption continues on as part of the status quo, eventually Hamlet will keep repeating itself, whether or not civilians in the modern hook up culture were felled by triggers we’re reluctant to look at too closely, and I have a rather blunt suggestion, one which belies my former intellectual aspirations, now besieged and harassed by Waiver compliance demands, stop attempting to assimilate such deeply entrenched Islamic nationals to secular methodologies. Institutionalism fared quite poorly in the aftermath of this shooting. The Department of Justice overplayed its need to convict Noor as an accessory, the media didn’t unravel the triggers or the character, and the gay community in Orlando was left stricken, paralyzed, despite progressive tsunami waves against populism.

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