Brain Fog Blue
I am not as entirely polished with blogging as are established media hands, nor those writers with established artistry; even after two years, it is a roughshod process trying to get in the zone, or forcing myself into it, and I am positively stone age when it comes to apps, but I should have left LiveJournal a long time ago, and I am depressed and discouraged about it. If this site, as a service provider, is any reflection of how Microsoft potty trains programmers, I'd speculate this once dynamic company has serious problems, much as I do, a freelance writer seeing herself fossilize. More setback, more work, revising two years of posts I cannot export under my own intellectual power, but it is just as well. I will be revising everything that I keep from LiveJournal, and if I still do not know how to put this Google Blogger code into my Adsense account, maybe it will be easier to learn now that LiveJournal has been dropped as a third party client. I still need assistance, or a tutorial for those of us who are illiterate when it comes to code, but I will desist from asking for help in Blogger itself, though I may keep you advised of my progress, assuming that the small following I have picked up carries over. It is of concern. I used to read Dick Polman regularly, Andrew Sullivan as well, and these men are mighty mice next to yours truly, but when Dick moved to WHYY Newsworks, I dropped him, and Andy, through no fault of his own, I have adopted as a cultural enemy, and no longer read him as often. Tracked him over the years, however, but no longer have the time to scroll him daily, so who will have time for me, as I struggle, dense and befuddled, to transition, to remonetize while I still have the resources to stay monetized?
My half brother Benjamin went to school for this, but knows Mac better than pcs. We are currently not on speaking terms, as you will read in my archives, but if AdSense support winds up confusing me more than my first click of surfing through it, if I can get him to speak to me, perhaps he can tell me in plain English how to handle authentication code. I know Google values efficiency, but I am a depressed old spastic who is not teaching literature to eleventh grade juniors, and who dramatically flamed out of social services, and when the evidence is analysed, becoming more marginalized by the hour. Technical giants don't always consider people like me. I need to be shown what to do, and sometimes more than once. Stubborn obstinancy, however, that I have in spades, and will plow on, provided Google doesn't boot me when I become inflammatory. I read the terms of service as I always read the terms of service, but to the extent that this is taking place in a viral corporate universe, being impolitic and deliberately violating table manners is always a risk in public, even with content warnings. Whether to its credit or not, I am more paranoid about Google than Microsoft, so it may be an interesting contest between fear and assertion. Time will tell, not that I am a hack who wants to expressed bigoted rants merely to throw a tantrum. If attempting to live as a naive progressive has transformed me, my fascism is tempered in arsenic.
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