Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Ivy League

I ama food agnostic today. Considered an omelet, but it would trigger my emotions, because Joey was always in my face when I made eggs. Settled on Danish pancakes and coffee, topped by a small salami on cracker. I'll make my omelet after dark, (which I haven’t yet) having to accept that I will cry, off and on, for some time. Vinne mews, going to Joey's spots, looking up at me, "Mom, where is he?"

What can I do? I told him his brother is returning as an urn. If I ever acquire another cat with urinary tract issues, account holders like Homo Tweets, one of my detractors, who is now silent, may then feel justified, because I'll commit myself to Bellevue. Then Harvard University libertarian liberal sympathies can curate my bylines, edit my live journal account into a kindle flat foot seller, and a student of Niall's can send me a poster of Dr. Ferguson's circumspect analysis of why the Congo predicates the failure of the African state. To wit, I am honored that Amy Wilkinson now follows me on twitter, in light of this fact, I will cop to the admission that Harvard has fascinated me since I joined the PBS occult orbit in my vibrant adulthood. I know why Harvard has its pedigree, but I am not sure what continues to make it preeminent, if the university arguably runs the government, it hasn't been able to nullify the caste entrapment of the American entitlement system. I certainly cannot leap the divide between me and my African neighbors. I tried talking to one woman one day about the fact that Joe and I were not twins due to the similar impression of our cerebral palsy. I used the word monolithic to indicate that the disabled were no more a united bloc than the African community. "What's monolithic?" she interrupted and then spaced out.

Don't try to label me and then pack me away until you're willing to really study the consequences of a destructive capitalism and socialism that is the tragedy of the American underclass. The White House must have gotten my message. They sent me an email beating the drums about Obama's lively disability policy (rolls eyes).

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