Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Farrow and Allen Show My Age

This is the snapshot of Elaine's as it is today, shuttered. When I lived at Rusk Institute I might have whined to my medical student dorm mates about spying out the upper end Manhattan socialites. Pit the lower East Side against North Philadelphia and use your imagination. This is a thread you can pick up from Henry James and trace straight through to Husbands and Wives, although for those of you in your 30's, 20's, Woody is an emaciated pervert and Mia is the old rerun starlet when nothing else is on. It is not for me to judge her over compensating.

As rapidly as online technology is changing, it still frizzles my brain waves that I have tweeted to Mia Farrow at the same time that I am using her persona for my own literary powers. Would you just submit your work using the traditional submission routes, or when finished, post it where she'd be able to read it? I was never a huge fan of Woody as an auteur, though Husbands and Wives is surreal, so painfully ironic it could kill, and what Allen coaxed out of Pollack touch on my own interpersonal tensions. Mia's career baffles me more, preoccupies me more as a peculiar feminist problem, given the history of the men around her, since Polanski has his own nymphet issues. Where Polanski is concerned I am more ready to equivocate.

Even if Woody and Soon-Yi are happy, even if their affair technically is in the realm of the legal, and even if his relationship with Mia became moribund, what he did is unforgivable, regardless of his influence and stature in cinema. Most of us realize, even today, that there are certain boundaries. My younger sister and I may never reconcile, but I would never allow a romance with her husband. My stepmother (em) did the same thing to my mother, marrying my father after she and my mother finished nursing school. My lover once objected, "Your parents were divorced?" and they were, just as I was also by default invading the terrain of my lover's wife, but there is a difference between a fling and using friendships to steal. Allen committed a crime, imploded a stability of the sort that made our species successful. No wonder we enjoy seeing high society as a morally corrupt contract with resonant forces not to be trusted.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your guidance and support.Thank you for providing such a valuable information.
