Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tech V Earth

"I'm talking about a relationship with a device."
--Cynthia Nixon

If the kindle came equipped with a vibrator and gender identification software I'd marry it; charging it in the face of a hybrid storm is no doubt lame, but this amounts to my preparations for Sandy. Hardest thing is that my plastic nicotine vapor has not arrived and I assume if the winds really hit the postal service will go into cardiac arrest, and this will amount to my most discomforting withdrawal, second hardest will be intermittent power outages, but Philadelphia, asinine backwater that it is, seems to collect sordid child abuse cases and leaves the grand theater of disaster to NYC. Give or take, I can eat until Wednesday; currently mining The Lovely Bones, but I am not sure the story is ripe candidate topically. To cope it uses the magical realism route. An engaging first hour, however, and more than that, to add a quick end note, this adaptation is my idea of a perfect modern drama. Sebold reminds me of Alice Hoffman.

The soft fatalism that resolves this tale may be how Sebold resolved her own trauma. I commend the courage of her survival skills. I know who all my attackers were, and for her never to have received justice, never to have known, illustrates why we cling to fate. It must have taken her quite a leap, but I am not positive that quantum mechanics ensures lex talonis, though on the basis of probability it may allow for it. The film runs again in an hour, and moved me powerfully. My physical stress is taking its toll, and for the next 24 hours, perhaps, I will conserve my strength, and try to talk to my own projects as I talk to you.

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