Sunday, February 24, 2013

Florida In The Da Vinci Code

"We will work with you."-- Contemporary case management vogue

As is known to industry watchers, Mark Romanek disavows his 1985 film Static as being immature. It's real problem is Keith Gordon is too intelligent to convince us of his zealousness, thus, the juxtaposition between western "quirkiness" and the violence of the climax doesn't work. Even sympathizers of the story know something spectacular is foreshadowed by Eric's fantasies of grandiloquent acclaim for inventing a machine which transcribes heaven for us. Amanda Plummer carries a mysterious supporting role which doesn't fly, her conspiratorial smiles with the camera notwithstanding, after Gordon's Eric is incinerated. Bob Gunton is such an expected caricature of a right wing evangelical survivalist, why bother? Only Heyman, as the sheriff, strikes an appropriate balance-- and yet, the scene interiors offer us something about Romanek's vision, where it might have gone if it was a less rushed story within now clinched independent film parameters. There is an element of neo-Gothic, neo-Catholic sensibilities to this film which is worth studying a little, even if the stolen crucifixes are an obvious affect. Shyamalan might have done something here before he lost his balance, and there are elements in Static which has a family relation to One Hour Photo, but if this miserable blogger wants to get out of Dodge (Philadelphia), the sense of barren space in Arizona doesn't seem to be any more promising. Boredom, evidently, has an effectual encroachment across the country, to all appearances, not that I can afford the travel: my father, too, tried to save his son by taking the boy to Phoenix, outside the arm of Pennsylvania law, which explains why I lived with Marie Varenas before my tenacity doomed me to the inner city. Memory fails as to where the now deceased mother was, why not in the picture for me in 87, what the rift was, amid the endless games of card solitaires I could play at the table. Her voluntary commitment to a psychiatric hospital came earlier. Unsure why this period of time remains blank. 

As of July 16, this long beleaguered sister of padre and dead brothers and dead nephews is succumbing to her cancers, so your crippled, theoretical spastic terrorist valiantly curbs the telephone tongue inherited from suicidal mother. For a droll and cruel and dry martini of an invalid, my inevitable erosion to reptilian id hasn't been that swift, even if the FBI -- oh, screw Liberty Resources and their attorney warning letter. Yes, I wrote an inciting phrase-- because it never stops on the margin, does it? You only have my word for it, but the minority who tends the senile biological female, failed physician, was provoking me, every time he was outside by himself, and I was there, he wouldn't take his eyes off me. He fits the body type of my assaulter; what am I supposed to do, call the police? I only contacted the fabled IL center to find out which provider had Erik's case manager. Now I have to go through welfare. I am pursuing it because I have limits. I did nothing to ghetto boy blue. I took his photo too. I told the office. I am not going through this with male caregivers of other residents. I shouldn't have to go through it, and if the shoe was on the other foot, and it was my aide, I'd fire him. Witnesses have observed him and informed me he lashes out at other women. It is the case managers who can discipline him. I want to leave the cops out of it. 

I let myself go soft over the holiday, and shouldn't have. I do not like failing my own article proposals, and have to find my key focus points, wondering if every time I score work, why it has to coincide with Trudy Richardson's inspections, but I don't have a heaven room in blue strobe foreshadowing martyrdom. I hide in the bathroom in the dark, as close to a sixth dimension as can be managed.

I'm consumed with being irrational, giving my notice, figuring out what to do next. I know it isn't the way to do it, and should do my work. I know, but my flight response is the closest thing I have to conjugal visitation.

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