Thursday, November 7, 2013

Predatory Yellow

"It had all the facts wrong."-- Stephanie Verderame, on the IRS agents seizure of future estate assets.

I have never ever fabricated a source in my commissioned articles. Ever, but I am wizened with cynicism in the ever ongoing professional mourners waltzed in by The Fourth Estate over Glass, Blair, and some other justifying frauds of note. We all lie; everyone in the business knows it. We lie by omission, by lack of nuance, so on. Sometimes we organize the facts into a transfixing narrative that feels like veracity, (cf Ana Montes), but every hungry journalist has a prism. To what degree the audience dances depends on trust. Violating it is heinous! But there is a darker truth behind the excoriation of Glass, the massive manhunt that led to the incineration of Dorner. Insurrection. Threatening the underpinnings of the establishment. Now, Dorner played his menace wrong. When I vented that I wanted him to win and received gawker views, it was not a joke. Some of us are that angry-- but he executed his agenda so poorly one has to shrug in a disappointed "WTF?" The minute he put a bullet through that girl's brain, he committed suicide as opposed to launching a crusade. Glass sort of does the same thing. Confirming media bias by getting caught in a fabrication erodes a willingness to believe in our system and the consensus built around it.

Writing such sentiments in rheumy-eyed exhaust is a challenge to delineation, and illustrates the habituation of distracting tendencies, but people who can be fooled usually are, because they bring a set of preconceived notions before the table, but whether or not the Great Recession posited the seeds of a great unraveling remains to be seen. My local media company subversively headlined mass murder as the new national pastime. The sentiment accurately captures the tempo.

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