Saturday, November 16, 2013

Urban Vigilantes

"Just in case you skimmed over that, Eminem is saying he wants to kill a woman he particularly despises with a machine gun."--Lucy Jones, NME

Dick Costolo is sanguine about suspending the twitter accounts of lawyers if they attempt to corral class action clients through the micro-network, yet Spike, because he is a celebrity, can engage in an overt vigilante attempt, which, despite his lauded artistry, he doesn't verify, gets his facts wrong, and disrupts the lives of innocent people. Settles with them for pocket change, wants the suit dismissed, and no doubt holds the loyalty of his followers with a bond stronger than the variability of melanin. Is it fair that market value dictates access and privilege in this manner?

I am no particular fan of George Zimmerman despite my experiences in the inner city, but I do care about the rule of law, which is why I never published any direct threats to my disability center, or to my former supervisor Linda, despite years of duress as a consequence, yet this man can do as he likes and come away with a wrist slap because he has an agenda, and airs dirty laundry on the inside of his brothers and sisters, swimming the established currents of the left because he got Jackson to do a shuffle parody. The virtual highlight of Jungle Fever. Given that I have been victimized by entitlement and identity, I think the suit against Lee should hold, and that twitter should consider suspending his account until the case settles, and the issue of inciting the public is examined with serious consideration. Whatever the future holds for Zimmerman, he was acquitted in the death of Trayvon. Killing the man amounts to giving all of us an open season. Perhaps a boycott of future Lee projects is in order. The breakout work had energy, to the limited extent I'm familiar, but the chocolate chip that drives his work walls off entry into it. Spike likes to kick box his audience. I wonder how he'd feel about a spastic steam roll.

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