Friday, November 21, 2014

Personal Responsibility

A year out of my life, almost, for virtual crap. In late summer I did my own piece on Chanticleer gardens for Examiner's mirror site, AXS, and uploaded it on the wrong site without realizing it, which precipitated Thursday's events.

I wasn't going to quit. I had decided, before I drove down to John's shop for the Toshi, to be polite with the editorial team, submit a ticket, which I did, and tread water until I could find another venue, but I got mad. After nine months, they still can't treat me like a person and offer me personalized responses. No writer can field everything alone, and I've failed, I guess, with content development, at about a 30 to 60 ratio, but they approved my Chanticleer write up, asked for a photo, and when I emailed Nikki Brodt (actually Lloyd, but in this instance, her name is meaningless) on my phone to tell her my pc was down, in not 48 hours they rejected the article.

I stayed polite, asked for guidance, and they send me Google News guidelines, as if unable to think for themselves. Who needs it if it takes me 6 or 7 months to accrue 15 dollars sent to Paypal? Yet I stayed, and I feel deflated for having resigned from slave labor. I don't know what to do anymore, honestly people. Even when I was so angry at Linda that I went berserk, all those years ago, I could not engage in self harm, remembering my mother's suicide attempts. I put myself back together, however slowly, however caviler, disparaging therapists, but I hung on. What do I do now? Even if I could get it, I don't think I'd be happier at Huffington Post, if they operate on the same principal, even if more higher end, than Clarity's Cracker Jack spin offs.

Not that Yahoo has a dossier on my temperamental online history, but they've carried water on some of it, and though their articles have gotten better, they aren't a particularly good media culture for me. Sigh.

Update: I unsubscribed from Examiner's auto barrage of trending topics, but they haven't closed my page, and I am unsure of what to do about that until I update my resume. Not feeling well with this brutal November cold either.

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