Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Doctrine of the Faith

Research, seriously trying to restore my veneer of respectability even if it kills me, which it might, but let's start simply and work our way up, or delve into contact tracing:

1. I basically think homosexual norms are evil
 a. Secular liberalism runs a close second

2. I concede 1 is partly based on Semitic doctrine even as monotheism is increasingly under assault, not without reason

3. But the main justification for 1 is personal experience, much of which, but not all, of course, I detailed in earlier posts.

4. I accept that micro-biology is complicated, but I reject it as an excuse for sexual orgies, and the permissiveness of sexual indulgence.

5. This may seem to contradict my near hatred of socialism and the welfare state, but one thing at a time.

As I need some rest, I'll hold it there, but I think it is time for a new authoritarian society to emerge, globally, and I'll refine these points as we go along.

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