Friday, February 13, 2015

Anointing Hillary and Jeb without the bother of retail handshakes

"Is my sex too straight?" Diane Keaton

Brian De Palma is in many ways a shameless hack. Kirk Douglas certainly enjoys himself, realizing, that his lead billing days were fading. John Cassavetes offends sensibility as Childress, and Amy Irving has "fuck me I'm new babette" stamped on her brow, but given all this, I have an attachment to the implosive repressions at play in The Fury (78). People actually were that new age, and the sixties had been that corrupted by Saccharine, making the viewer squint with bemusement. Preposterous, a cheap commercialization that anticipates ISIS aping Arabic stereotypes. To illustrate to my audience that I am capable of mortification, ISIS has gone too far in how it killed the Jordanian. There is absolutely no honor in that excessive overkill toward a fraternal adversary, and Abu Bakr is disrupting my desire to die on European soil, I'm no longer amused.

Even as I'm seriously considering sending Toomey my resume without deleting this blog or the tweets linking to it, but if Toomey's people were willing to consider deploying me as a consultant, then I'd have a pickle. I don't like online shaming, which is why I stand by my belligerent rivulets. It has not yet truly affected my pitching, my attitude, to my knowledge, but it could, and if Toomey's people said "okay she has a point, let's use her mandate attack", then outlets like Daily Beast would look at my posts, privately asking wtf is the Thorzine?

True, I shamed a former supervisor into a demotion, but that is not the same thing as lynching people for sensitivity into extreme life altering circumstances, and I do not like what was done to Sacco, nor did I like the routing of Amy Pascal. I never felt her remarks about Obama's viewing habits were insensitive; they were white, and sardonic, but should never have cost her her executive position, and I hold this take on Jeb Bush'es advisor Ethan Czahor. The left cannot wish utopia into being by wiping out human prejudice. The species would not be human anymore. (I just wrote a radical beatnik type, of the kind with whom I used to associate, sent her some samples and wrote I was against lesbianism. If she gets back to me and I go up before her audience, I might have a routing of my own.)

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