Monday, February 23, 2015

From the beginning

When I transferred from LiveJournal to Blogger in 2009, I stated, implicitly, that I would not link to any graphic pornography, and I have been faithful to that assertion, however many suburban families I may have offended. I have been explicit in the content of my posts, discuss psychopathy, but I do not link to anything graphic. My warning fag may not be enough, however, and Blogger seems intent on taking my voice, as it is, out of the public domain. I can't fight Google, especially as direct contact with the company is difficult. I telephoned CS a few times about AdSense when I still had the money to invest, and still couldn't reach anyone.

In essence, the inequality I am living as a resident of Philadelphia is beginning to reflect itself in online paywalls which I do not have the funds to penetrate, and if Blogger forces my posts to go private, what is the point? I am not quite sure how the new policy will affect this domain, just yet, but this is six years os my life, the depletion of my savings, the twilight of a disabled woman's not really so matriculated integration into the full fabric of American society. and buying my domain no doubt wouldn't resolve the issue. I have looked into other sites which all pretty much say the same thing. Freedom of expression is fine as long as it doesn't incite, express hate, advocate violence, and we're not responsible for anyone's content.

Yet, when Dorner was still alive and I expressed my psychological alliance, my content was reported, and Blogger left things alone, although I have been frank about my disillusion with a legal framework that cannot repair the considerable damage done to me as a quadriplegic who wanted to make good. I'm not sure where this leaves things.

Like anyone, my ability to be independent is contingent, and I have focused intently on Liberty Resources and public housing, between the lines, because the system has a chronic illness, which will go terminal if people stop paying attention; nevertheless, it's closing in on me, and it isn't fair, and I refuse to submit.

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