Thursday, October 1, 2015

As if one cannot have too much redunancy

"Instead of running away from this monster, I made the decision I should try to confront it."--Jason Moss

My viewers will be positively ecstatic to learn I have had three works of fiction accepted for publication, two of which have appeared in print. Discard is not one of them, and I remain befuddled as to why I have not thrown this away, a love story for a man deified, not loved, tossed to notorious, now noxious,supervisor in email after she caught me off guard. Unwise, and she did not know how to respond, not at that point. 

Other manuscripts have been tossed, and I stopped submitting this work long ago, back when it was eight pages and a tabloid called Clinton Street Quarterly, I believe, actually mailed me a rejection letter of more than one paragraph. I may even still have it, astonished then, and still perplexed now. Why I've thrown it up on Medium is because I can, because fear is pervasive, because Jerry looks like a nephilim cricket right out of Men In Black, and I'm a sow with flaccid breasts and an occlusion indicative of congestive heart failure, and perhaps I'm curious, within my burgeoning discontent of not tearing the thing to shreds and coming in harder, what my other not financially successful peers think, and Blogger needs to learn my dark side has always been under the umbrella of the Inferno.

Much like Cameron Diaz in Garcia's sympathy fettered lens, a disabled woman can extrapolate why Jason Moss committed suicide: because Gacy was as human as the rest of us, because intimacy with the heinous isn't a salve if one cannot cease being preoccupied with it, and he no longer knew how to come up for air. Choosing to be a euthanasia advocate is not the same thing as desiring to take Moss'es route: I've been under the thumb of one sleaze bag corporate-shielded landlord for 30 years, fighting Philadelphia's underclass depreciation for most of that time, desperate to experience something else, knowing the specter of less functional constraint is closing in, and I'm failing to find that leverage to get the fuck up the river bank. Both my former boss Dan and former? helper Karina told me I'd be happier in Denver and Oregon, respectively. I'd take one of these nut cases on, die a heroine. DARK KNIGHT FEMALE TAKES SPREE SHOOTER DOWN: Woman had a history of trolling, impulse control issues.  

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