Friday, October 9, 2015

Lacan Theory

I am basically an adherent of Slavoj Zizek without having the benefit of studying the controversial philosopher's theory. Where the former Yugoslavian and I differ is on the willingness to use violence when the paradigm is otherwise too firmly entrenched for adjudication. Granted, every example I have cherry picked on this DIA account has been flawed, inclusive of the Oregon shooter, which, unlike Cohn, I almost did not want to reflect upon in any manner, but like Zizek, I believe liberalism's egalitarianism makes things worse and leads to genocidal outcomes.

However, after watching yet another punk academic, which Zizek is, being interviewed by Smiley, of whom, as you know, I'm not the greatest fan, I have to say that Kirsch's essay in The New Republic calling Zizek anti-Semitic was nothing short of libel, testament to Marty's dwindling zealotry for the state of Israel at the expense of anything else, including a man's reputation. The days when a TNR intern made me shit myself by telling me how to get a diarist column in the stodgy old periodical are over, but I would feel like a hypocrite sending them content with Chris Hughes at the helm, and this is utterly nonsensical for a woman of my intellect, however much she frittered away that potential on the slow envelop of emotional anguish, but I am actually against homosexuals themselves-- not-- mostly not-- to the point of interring them-- but enough that I cannot swallow my conviction to send TNR work, to their standards. I mourn this, because I fell in love with TNR under Marty, my fake adversary.

Before I break down in tears, the American rogue who comes closest to deploying violence for methodical agenda is the DC sniper. John Allen was certainly driven by his own internal dynamic, but for those of us with an insurrectionist bent, his tactics were admirable, and if he had been more like the ISIS leader, developing an agenda, a counter argument to the American Way might have given us more of the South American dynamic.

That the US doesn't have its own Shining Path is attributable to the Civil War, and making guerrillas like Jesse James into celebrities.  

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